Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Lion, The Rich, And The Broadway

Broadway is the ultimate entertainment sector within New York. Offering a vast array of shows, bars, clubs and shops all nestled within an electric bustling atmosphere, this is THE place to be seen on a night out.

Mrs H and I decided that you can't visit New York without seeing at least one Broadway musical, and we eventually decided upon The Lion King as our mutual choice.

Playing at the newly restored Amsterdam Theatre on 42nd Street, this show blew us away with fantastic animatronic puppet imagery. Julie Taymor takes a straightforward Disney cartoon and re-tells the story using a cast of 46 in outlandish costumes, masks and puppets. With set-pieces that quite literally involve the entire audience (If you've seen it, you'll know what I mean), it brings a great story to life in a unique way.

"The opening number, "The Circle of Life," is among the most spine-tingling, goosebump-raising, overwhelmingly beautiful curtain-raisers in the history of Broadway musical theater."
- Chris Hewitt, St Paul Pioneer Press

We couldn't agree more...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

We leave for our Summer holiday tomorrow morning and we have this lovely weather to look forward to... We'll definately enjoy ourselves, I'm sure, but it's still a kick in the teeth nonetheless.

Oh well, Tuesday looks good...

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Whilst I realise that this isn't a particularly great week weather-wise in the big apple, at least it's warm FFS!

Just keep our seats on the plane warm... We'll be back to see you real soon New York!

EDIT - We are now back from our break which was great. And just to prove that it didn't ALWAYS rain, here's a small shot of me and Mrs H enjoying the Cornish sunset...

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Ray Of Hope

Sent to me anonymously, this sun drenched image of the Statue Of Liberty serves as a true message of hope to the people of New York at a time when terrorism rears its ugly head yet again...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Fistful Of Y-Fronts

When we last visited Times Square back in September 2005, much to my surprise The Naked Cowboy was nowhere to be seen... I had heard plenty about him through various sites and forums on the internet but cleverly kept this from Mrs H as I suspected that she would be secretly eager to see if he could possibly match-up, in the flesh, to my adonis physique ;)

Now whether he found it just too damn cold to venture out onto the streets in his fetching white Y-fronts during September (Do New Yorkers actually find this month particularly cold?) is something that I guess we'll never know...

Anyway, here's a great shot of Times Square with everyone's favourite cowboy (OK, second favourite - Sorry John!) amidst the typical daily mayhem. YEE-HA!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bite Me Spokesmann...

Standing proudly in midtown New York is a brand new shopping experience... Officially opened on May 19th 2006, Apple broke all the geek-store rules by announcing opening hours of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The five-story, glass encased, Steve Jobs-designed, cube-shaped entryway, contains over 4,000 square feet of retail space. My old chum Spokesmann is due a re-visit to NYC and could probably spend an entire day here! I'm convinced that he's had his heart replaced with an iPod and his brain with a G5...