Monday, July 24, 2006

Elemental Struggle

Paul Manship's 1934 statue Prometheus, is situated in and around the arcade at the Rockefeller Center. The communal gardens make way to the sub-ground restaurant area which, as most of you are probably familiar with, becomes an ice skating rink in the Winter.

It took me absolutely ages to achieve a shot that I was even mildy happy with, and this is the result. IMHO, digital cameras and night shots are not a marriage made in heaven...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Captured In Graphite - Part 1

I was recently given access to a series of pencil art gems from an artist called Manhattanman911. This particular project shown below was initiated on February 25th 2005 and since then he has invested hundreds of hours intricately drawing the city.

His detailing skills are exhaustive and as you can see many of the well-known landmarks such as the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Citicorp Center, Metlife Tower, and Queensborough Bridge, are all present and correct. Although there are a few blank buildings yet to be populated, he estimates that the project will be completely finished sometime in and around 2007.

For a more detailed view you can access the full size scan here.

This is the first in a series of which I plan to present here over the coming months. Outstanding job!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Electric Anthem Mix

I was emailed this brilliant tribute to the US anthem over the weekend by Mrs H's daughter's boyfriend MGP, as a belated July 4th present. He has been playing the electric guitar for only a few months and is completely self-taught via the internet (See, it's not just for porn!).

To listen to it with a pinch of patriotic flavour - click on the guitar...

MGP US Mix Easter Egg!

Well done mate and thank you VERY much! ;)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Rise And Fall

Ask most people to describe New York and typical replies would contain the following - skyscrapers, busy, and loud. Not many would say parks or still ponds. This shot goes a LONG way in proving that New York City is not just about dominating, densley packed high-rise skyscrapers.

A stunning blanket of golden brown is draped over Central Park on a crisp fall morning. It looks most odd in the respect that a huge square was cut out of the city and the park was simply placed within it...

Many thanks to RFC Graphics for the image.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

In Congress... 1776

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Read all about the birth of a nation with the Declaration of Independence courtesy of the US National Archives.

Why not join the fun and create your own firework celebrations?

Simply click the link below and then on the black screen to launch the fireworks whilst the national anthem spurs you on! :)

Firework Celebrations

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