Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Golden Nuggets!
We've just returned from our yearly visit to Cornwall which saw fit to bless us with a solid block of non-stop blazing sun.
We visited the Wild West Theme Park to inject some much needed Americanism into the holiday. What struck me most about the park was it's valiant (albiet Cornish) attempts to ensure that you always felt part of the old west as each employee interacted as if you were a visitor in the 1880's. I particularly liked the way that they looked puzzled when I produced my digital camera!
At 1pm they staged a shoot-out outside the local Saloon and then invited us all in to the Courthouse to hear the criminal plea before we - the jury - took a vote on whether he should hang at 5pm.
Whilst walking around the museum we were agast to see that Frank mcLaowry, famous for partaking (and getting killed!) in the shoot-out at the OK Corrall, bore a striking resemblence to me!